Natalie Lane Eden, LLC
Natalie Lane Eden, LLC
Fully licensed Faith-Based Clinical Counseling
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (Illinois)
Licensed Professional Counselor (Pennsylvania)
Telecounseling sessions now available for those who reside in Pennsylvania and Illinois.
If you reside in the states of Pennsylvania or Illinois, I offer telecounseling sessions. Modern technology provides more options for communication by phone and even face-to-face online. This is a great alternative if one is unable to come into an office and meets certain specifications. Call 847-341-8019 or e-mail me at Nativityrae@hotmail.com for a free consultation to determine whether you would be a good candidate for telecounseling.
The American Psychological Association (APA) states that studies are showing such services “are as effective as face-to-face services” and “studies concerning the effectiveness of telepsychotherapy have shown favorable findings” ...providing scientific support for the use of such technologies in practice in areas of pain, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety (Report from the Task Force on Telepsychotherapy, Division 29). However the task force is clear to point out that telepsychotherapy is not for everyone and “should not be used as a substitute for regular in-person therapy when possible.”
Who could benefit
from telecounseling?
*Those who live in a rural area of Pennsylvania and Illinois and do not have local access to counseling.
*Those who are home bound and/or physically disabled.
*Those who have very busy and tight schedules.
*Those who are required to stay-at-home to be caregivers of very small children and elderly.
*Those who feel more comfortable working in the comfort and privacy of their own home or office.
*Those who prefer the anonymity of talking over the phone.
*Current in-office clients who are travelling and want to keep up with sessions while out of town.
*Those persons interested in spiritual direction or life coaching type of consultation.
Telecounseling is NOT appropriate for everyone and is particularly NOT suited for:
*Those in who are currently suicidal and/or homicidal. If you feel that you want to harm yourself and/or harm another person call 911 or go immediately to the nearest local emergency room.
*Those experiencing acute psychosis or mental health issues requiring more intensive care.
*Those who are intoxicated or in a drugged state.
*I also DO NOT utilize telecounseling for clients under the age of 18 years old.
It should also be noted that various modes of communication such as e-mail, text, cell phone, internet, and Skype cannot be 100% guaranteed to be secure and confidential due to the risks inherent with electronic technology. Informed consent to utilize any of these alternative methods for counseling is to be obtained from clients before beginning of sessions.
Method of Payment and Fees
I offer a variety of options for payment and services. For Telecounseling payment is due before the commencement of a session. Payment can be made online or by phone. I accept all forms of credit cards. See "Reasonable Rates" tab on this website for more payment information.
Natalie Lane Eden, LLC